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Welcome to the Office of Institutional Research!

We play a pivotal role on campus by fulfilling two core functions:

  • Provide mandatory data to the Chancellor's Office in a timely fashion, ensuring compliance.
  • Serve as a key resource for Cal Poly constituents, offering crucial data for strategic planning and decision-making, accreditation, surveys, and analytical reports.

Our commitment extends to leveraging powerful visualization tools, transforming admissions, enrollment, degrees, employee, financial aid, and retention/graduation rate data into insightful perspectives to inform decision-making.

Note: All data below are updated annually after fall final census except for the Registration Monitor (various points in time) and Projections (spring).

Data Dashboards. Interactive display of historical admissions, enrollment, graduation rate data, and more.  Registration Monitor. Enrollment reports produced at significant points in time through registration.  Common Data Set. Standard admissions and financial aid, student demographics, and more.Projections. Headcounts, SCUs, average loads, and FTES.  Retention and Graduation. Persistent rate trends for first-time, first-year students and new transfers. No longer published, see Data Dashboards  Poly View. Condensed publication of enrollment, degrees, financial aid, and more. No longer published, see Data Dashboards  Info Brief. Condensed publication of admissions and enrollment data. No longer published, see Data Dashboards  Fact Book. Historical admissions, enrollment, graduation rate data, and more. No longer published.  


3rd Party Stats

student achievement measure

SAM provides a comprehensive picture of student progress and completion as students move across institutions and state boundaries.

College Navigator


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