Brief Definitions for Reading Faculty Assignment by Department (FAD) Report
First Line of Column Headings (Faculty)
- Faculty ID = EmplID
- Name = Faculty name
- Range Code = Faculty rank (see explanation of categories below)
- TSF = Total Support Fraction (IFF + IAF + OSF = TSF)
- IAF = Instructional Administrative Fraction
- ADM-LEV = Administrative Level of IAF (12-mo. or AY Dept. Head, etc.)
- OSF = Other Support Fraction (reimbursed or non-instructional fund)
- IFF = Instructional Faculty Fraction (total "teaching" time)
First Line of Column Headings (Faculty)
- Assigned Time Activity = List of Assigned Time Activity (3 max assigned time activities per term/per instructor)
Third Line of Column Headings (Courses)(Selected Headings)
- COURSE = Course abbreviation
- ID = Course number
- SECT = Course section number
- HEGIS = HEGIS discipline code used for national and CSU reporting
- LVL = Level of course (1 = lower; 2 = upper; 3 = graduate)
- ENR = Enrollment in class at census
- LS = Sequence number for course section segments (+10 indicates team taught)
- CS = Course classification number based on mode of instruction (e.g., 02 = Lec; 16 = Lab)
- A-CCU = Adjusted course credit units (unit value of course)
- DAYS = Meeting Days for course. To-be-arranged hours will show as TBA
- BEG = Class Begin time
- END = Class End time
- TBA = TBA Hours
- FACL = Facility building number
- SPACE = Room number
- TYPE = Facility type (LECT = Lecture; LAB = Laboratory; NCAP = Non-capacity)
- GRP = Group code (2 or more sections with same time, room & instructor)
- TTF = Team Teaching Fraction (proportion of teaching credit for team-taught class)
- SCU = Student credit units (product of enrollment and adjusted course credit)
- FCH = Faculty contact hours (hours of class meeting per week or based on supervision enrollment)
- D-WTU = Direct WTU from classes & supervision plus assigned time codes of 11, 15, 16, 17 & 18
- I-WTU = Indirect WTU (normally assigned time less codes of 11, 15, 16, 17 & 18)
- T-WTU = Total WTU (sum of direct and indirect WTU and compared to Instructional Faculty Fraction for appropriate load)
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Department Totals
- NO. OF APPTS = Number of faculty members
- APPT FTEF = (Full-Time Equivalent Faculty) The sum of all Instructional Faculty Fraction for the department/college (IAF and OSF are not counted in FTEF; only IFF contributes to FTEF)
- CLASS WTU = (Class Weighted Teaching Units) The WTU earned from all class sections taught
- SUPERVSN WTU = (Supervision Weighted Teaching Units) The WTU earned from all class sections of supervision (classes with CS #25 or #36)
- DIRECT WTU = The WTU earned from all class sections taught, as well as WTU earned from assigned time codes of 11, 15, 16, 17, and 18
- INDIRECT WTU = The sum of all departmental assignments associated with assigned time codes other than 11, 15, 16, 17, and 18
- TOTAL WTU = The sum of Direct and Indirect WTU
- DIRECT WTU/FTEF = Direct WTU divided by APPT FTEF
- TOTAL WTU/FTEF = Total WTU divided by APPT FTEF
- TOTAL SCU = The sum of all class SCU (This is not an accurate account of the SCU earned for the department/college)
- TOTAL FTES = Total SCU divided by 15 for Undergrads
= Total SCU divided by 12 for Graduate students
- SCU/FTEF = SCU divided by APPT FTEF
- SFR = (Student:Faculty Ratio) Total FTES divided by APPT FTEF
Explanation of Range Codes
- FULL TIME = TSF (Total Support Fraction) equal to or greater than 1.000
- PART TIME = TSF (Total Support Fraction) less than 1.000
Faculty Rank
- PROFESSOR/LECT D = Professor, head coach, principal vocational instructor, lecturer "D"
- ASSOC PROF/LECT C = Associate professor, coach, senior vocational instructor, lecturer "C"
- ASST PROF/LECT B = Assistant professor, coaching specialist, intermediate vocational instructor, lecturer "B"
- INSTRUCTOR/LECT A = Instructor, coaching assistant, junior vocational instructor, lecturer "A"
- TCHNG ASST/LECT L = Teaching assistant, lecturer "L"
- TCHG ASSOC = Teaching associate
- GRAD ASST = Graduate assistant, SSP, volunteer
- ADMINISTRATOR = Administrator (no Instructional Faculty Fraction)
- OTHER = Non-teaching librarian, coach, counselor, and administrator with IFF
Explanation of WTU Calculation
type of course | “K” factor | units | wtu | ||
Lecture, C1-C6 | 1.0 | x | 3.0 | = | 3.0 |
Activity, C7-C14 | 1.3 | x | 2.0 | = | 2.6 |
Laboratory, C15 | 1.5 | x | 1.0 | = | 1.5 |
Laboratory, C16 | 2.0 | x | 1.0 | = | 2.0 |
Coaching Major Sport, C18 | 6.0 | x | 2.0 | = | 12.0 |
Coaching Minor Sport, C19 | 3.0 | x | 2.0 | = | 6.0 |
Major Performance Activity, C20-C21 | 3.0 | x | 2.0 | = | 6.0 |
Supervisory Workload
1. Student Teaching & Thesis, S25 - 25 students = 12.0 WTU (0.48 WTU per student enrolled)
2. Undergraduate Field Work, S36 - 36 students = 12.0 WTU (0.33 WTU per student enrolled)
Glossary of Terms for Reading the Faculty Assignment by Department (FAD) Report
Things to Look for on the Initial FAD & the Preliminary FAD
FAD Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Faculty Assignment by Department (FAD) Calendar
Academic Planning Data Base (APDB) Process and the Faculty Assignment by Department (FAD) Report