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FAD Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Printer friendly version                                                                                      

Why is the faculty member’s job classification incorrect on the FAD?

How are the WTU's calculated?

Why does the FAD show 14.30 WTU's for variable unit course (1-12 units) with C/S 7?

What is the difference between Assigned Time and Release Time?

Why am I contacted each quarter regarding faculty that have IFF but are not teaching?

What is Group Code and how does it affect FCH and WTU?

What is the difference between CS#, a Facility Type, and a Facility Number?

Why shouldn’t the FAD be a source for Course SCU and WTU?


Why is the faculty member’s job classification incorrect on the FAD?

The faculty job title on the FAD is the Chancellor’s Office “Range” category, not the job classification of the faculty member. The first position within a range is printed on the FAD (e.g., ASSOPF is printed for the range of Associate Professor, Coach, Senior Vocational Instructor, and Lecturer "C"). Faculty members with a job classification of Lecturer "C" would appear in the FAD as ASSOPF.

Faculty Range:

  • PROFESSOR/LECT D: Professor, Head Coach, Principal Vocational Instructor, Lecturer “D”
  • ASSOC PROF/LECT C: Associate Professor, Coach, Senior Vocational Instructor, Lecturer “C”
  • ASST PROF/LECT B: Assistant Professor, Coaching Specialist, Intermediate Vocational Instructor, Lecturer “B”
  • INSTRUCTOR/LECT A: Instructor, Coaching Assistant, Junior Vocational Instructor, Lecturer “A”
  • TCHNG ASST/LECT L: Teaching Assistant, Lecturer “L”
  • TCHG ASSOC: Teaching Associate
  • GRAD ASST: Graduate Assistant, SSP, Volunteer
  • ADMINISTRATOR: Administrator (no Instructional Faculty Fraction)
  • OTHER: Non-teaching Librarian, Coach, Counselor, and Administrator with IFF


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How are WTU's calculated?

WTU are Calculated by multiplying the K-factor for a C/S# by the number of units (K-factor X units = WTU). For example a 2.00 unit class with a CS# 16 (K-factor = 2.00) generates 4 WTUs, (2.0 x 2.00 = 4.00).

type of course “K” factor   units   wtu
Lecture, C1-C6 1.0 x 3.0 = 3.0
Activity, C7-C14 1.3 x 2.0 = 2.6
Laboratory, C15 1.5 x 1.0 = 1.5
Laboratory, C16 2.0 x 1.0 = 2.0
Coaching Major Sport, C18 6.0 x 2.0 = 12.0
Coaching Minor Sport, C19 3.0 x 2.0 = 6.0
Major Performance Activity, C20-C21 3.0 x 2.0 = 6.0

Supervisory Workload

1.  Student Teaching & Thesis, S25 - 25 students = 12.0 WTU (0.48 WTU per student enrolled)
2.  Undergraduate Field Work, S36 - 36 students = 12.0 WTU (0.33 WTU per student enrolled)


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Why does the FAD sow 14.30 WTU's for a variable unit course (1-12 units) with C/S# 7?

WTU calculations is the K-factor for a CS# multiplied by units. The K-factor for CS#7 is 1.3 and the units for this class are 1.00 to 12.00 (1.3 x 12.00 = 15.60). Normally it would be correct, but the units in variable unit classes are averaged. Average units are calculated by dividing the sum of student units by the number of enrolled students. In this case the class has 11 enrolled students, 8 students with 12.00 units, 2 students with 9 units and 1 student with 1.00 unit (115/11 = 10.45). The average unit is 10.45 (1.3 x 10.45 = 13.59 WTU).


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What is the difference between Assigned Time and Release Time?

Assigned Time does not change the teaching time or Instructional Faculty Fraction (IFF) for a faculty member but instead assigns WTU for “unusually heavy instructionally related assignments in place of the normal direct instructional load.” Release Time, such as Faculty Development Grants or Research Grants, does reduce the Instructional Faculty Fraction (IFF) with an offset from Other Support Fraction (OSF). The departments are reimbursed for these assignments and back-fill the faculty appointments.


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Why am I contacted each quarter regarding faculty that have IFF but are not teaching?

Teaching and instruction-related activities for working faculty need to be documented in the database for faculty to receive workload credit. Non-teaching activities are usually documented by submitting the faculty member's "Assigned Time" to Academic Personnel.


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What is Group Code and how does it affect FCH and WTU?

Group Code is a Chancellor’s Office program function that “groups” two or more classes with the same CS# meeting at the same time and location and taught by the same faculty member. Note: If the primary meeting times are the same, the course qualifies for Group Code (e.g., if Section 01 meets MWF 9-10 AM and T 10-11 AM and Section 02 meets MWF 9-10 AM and F 10-11 AM, the classes will be group coded). The purpose is to avoid crediting faculty members with double FCH and WTU. Since the courses are actually the same class, Group Code treats the FCH and WTU earned as one class. Cases where the Group Code applies are:

  • An upper-division class is sometimes combined with a lower-division class because of low enrollment. The same course material is taught to all of the students, but upper-division students are given additional assignments, such as reading, research, and presentations, to meet the upper-division course requirements.
  • When there is a need for a course to appear on the student’s transcript under a specific prefix, the class is cross-listed. Cross-listed classes have the same course number, title, and material but different course prefixes.


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What is the difference between CS#, a Facility Type, and a Facility Number?

The CS# is the Course Classification Number. It identifies a class's Activity Type (e.g., C1 = LEC, C16 = LAB, S36 = Supervision, etc.).

Facility Type is a code that identifies the type of space in which a course is taught. Courses taught with CS Nos. 01-06 are usually associated with Space Type 1 (Lecture). Courses taught with CS Nos. 15-16 are associated with Space Type 2 (Laboratory). Courses taught with CS Nos. 25 or 36 are associated with Space Type 3 (Non-Capacity), etc.

Facility or building number. Non-assigned facilities are: 997 = classes that do not meet in a contained space on campus (e.g., outdoors), 999 = classes that meet off campus (e.g., Student Teaching), and 998 = classes that do not meet in a specific space on campus (e.g., classes with TBA meeting days).


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Why shouldn’t the FAD be a source for Course SCU and WTU?

The FAD focuses on individual faculty members; it does not accurately reflect Department and College totals. The SCU and WTU on the report are based on faculty assignments, not course enrollments. The sum of all faculty SCU and WTU for a class should equal the course SCU and WTU.

The totals for FCH, SCU, and WTU for faculty with split appointments are recorded in only one appointment. If the appointments are in different departments and/or colleges, the department/college with the recorded totals may be inflated, while the department/college with the omitted totals may be understated. The same situation occurs with courses team-taught by faculty members with appointments.


Brief Definitions for Reading the Faculty Assignment by Department (FAD) Report

Glossary of Terms for Reading the Faculty Assignment by Department (FAD) Report

Things to Look for on the Initial FAD & the Preliminary FAD

Faculty Assignment by Department (FAD) Calendar

Academic Planning Data Base (APDB) Process and the Faculty Assignment by Department (FAD) Report

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